我很累了, 很累!


  我好累啊,好累! 日子每一天从我的身边溜走,我离死亡的日子在步步逼近。


我有信仰, 却不是终于我的信仰。我时常会做一些檫边球的事情。

我活着像具行尸走肉,很难听。 但的确就是这样的, 我对自己的未来不知道,能力不清楚,喜好模糊。


我这样一个人生活在世界实在是多余, 浪费粮食,浪费人力。


可是我不愿意结束自己的生命, 因为就活这么一次, 太珍贵了。



我不想浪费我的生命, 我想让她变得漂亮,活泼,浪漫, 激情,平和,温柔。我想让她活着有意义, 活出她的精彩。






现在,我的心情更平和了一些。 还是没有真心实意地朋友。


我曾经的朋友, 因为我以前的错误还是不能真正的接纳我。

我时常觉得很痛苦, 很累很累。

我不喜欢再装模做样的活下去了, 很累, 很郁闷, 很孤独, 很冷。

没有朋友, 还有家人, 他们是我唯一的依靠。

my name is Fatimah


   hey guys,

           my name is Fatimah, i am from  xi’an  south-west of China. i am muslim and my family are all muslim.  i have a youger sister, she is June and 14 years old. my dad is a businessman and mother is a housewife. they love each other very much and they love me and sister as well. 

          i am 21 years old and i study in UKM already two years. my major is TESL and i really love this course. before i came here i dont like to be a teacher, bocause i think have very little salary and lots of work to do. but now the more i learn about how to be a teacher and how ti teach children the much i love this career. i only have a wish that to be a very good english teacher in China.

          i like making friends who from differnet states. i want to know friends who is honest, brave and kindheart. no matter he or she, no matter what race is, no matter what colour is, no matter what career is, no matter what age is. as long as she or he is a warmheart and humble.

        i like watching moive in cinema, travelling , eating nice food, enjoying socially useful activity.  if you think you want to know me, please just add me to your blog friend.

 i would like to say something about my parents. both of them are really good muslim. they pray five times per day and fasting every year. they often told me’ Fatimah, you should learn some Koran and pray to Allah, because you will die in the future and Allah will judge you afterward. if you want heaven, please behave like muslim.’   my parent they often go to travell around China to spread the spirit of Islamic . last year when i backed China in December, i just stayed with my dad one month, after one month he went to shaan’ xi province with his friend to learn some knowledge of Islam.

   hope A llah bless me and my famliy as well as my frineds!

three ways to think

  How to teach thinking? Normally we have three strategies to teach thinking which is ‘direct teaching of thinking; infusion approach; immersion approach’.  ž       Ennis describe this method as: direct teaching of thinking“…an approach that attempt to teach thinking skills and dispositions separately from the presentation of content of existing subject matter offerings 

ž      Assume that cognitive skills are muscle of minds, which can be rejuvenated through exercise.

ž      Involve skills internalization and transfer.


  • Infusion as deep, thoughtful instruction in subject-matter content in which the general principles of thinking are made explicit. It includes direct instruction in the cognitive skills needed to engage successfully in complex thinking in whatever subject it is being applied, Robert Swartz argues infusion involves more than “getting thinking going”.


1. Help students step back from the content being processed and discussed to focus explicitly on the operation in question.


a) Preplan lessons or a series of lessons that introduce and provide some practice in a new skillb) Stop a planned subject-matter lesson to concentrate instead on explicit attention to the skill in question 

3. As students continue to apply the operation to subject-matter in the course, teacher scaffold, cue, and other wise mediate their efforts to practice doing so until they demonstrate the ability to employ the operation with appropriate expertise and success.


  • Immersion
  •  According to Ennis, immersion is thought-provoking subject-matter instruction in which the principles of complex thinking are not made explicit. It emphasizes and concentrates on developing subject-matter insights, knowledge, and understanding.
  •  There is one major advantage to insisting that students think (and think harder) without devoting any significant class time to helping them make explicit how they do it and how it can be done more skillfully. And that is that virtually full class attention can be devoted to subject matter, whether it is being studied in breath or depth.



  What is meta-cognition?

Meta-cognition which literally means ‘thinking about thinking’ or ‘knowledge about knowledge’. It is cognition about one’s own cognition processes and refers to our ability to monitor, control and organize our own mental activities. Meta-cognition is known as an ‘executive control’ process that monitor and regulates our thought processes. Some people argue that meta-cognition include three components which are ‘knowledge of meta-cognition; self-regulation and self-monitor.’  Knowledge of meta-cognition is about how to get and manage your information; self-regulation is a meta-cognitive activity that involves planning, directing and evaluating one’s cognitive processes; self-monitoring is a meta-cognitive that involves monitoring how well we are understanding and remembering. The three components have very close relationship and significant influence to each other. Mastering the knowledge of meta-cognition that you can have the correct self-monitoring. Accurate as well as active self-regulation could help you to practice efficient self-monitoring, so you can accumulate the exact knowledge self-regulation of meta-cognition. For students, meta-cognition actually is some sort of activities that students can learn or understand their task and the strategies they used. Students can observe and self-monitor their learning activities in order to be more self-conscious to develop their thinking skills. The aim of meta-cognition is to help students knowing their thinking, self-monitoring in thinking activities that help you develop your ability of thinking.

The Phantom of the Opera

              The Phantom of the OperaTime: 1880Place: dancer’s dressing roomCharacters: Annie Sorelli ( see the ghost)          Joseph Buquet( killed by ghost, boz he talks about the phantom)          Meg Giry( know the truth)          Madame Giry (doorkeeper who the phantom)          Monseieur Firmin          Monseieur Armald, Moncharmin ( the director of the opera)  The phantom of the opera tells a story that a man who has no face, just two black hole in his yellow face and eyes. Sometimes they are black holes, sometimes they have a terrible red light. Because his face and he appears and disappear mysteriously in the opera, people think he is ‘ the phantom of the opera’  The name of the short story sounds like a horror story, actually when you finish it you will know the ‘phantom’ is just a man who got ugly face. He is a very clever man and also a famous builder. He could do many clever things with ropes, and mirrors, and secret doors. But he is very lonely and nobody likes him. Even his mother turns her face away from him every time he comes near her. When Christine kisses him that he doesn’t ask her, he is moved by her kiss, then he decides to set free them. The author uses ‘ phantom’ to name a man, just because his out-looking and monstrous manners. Actually Erik the name of the ghost is a kindness and unfortunate guy. People refuse to make friends with him and shame him. He just wants to protect himself, so he chooses to live under the opera in a secret house where is far away the normal humans.  He likes sitting in the Box 5 to enjoy the songs , maybe this is the only way to access people from outside. He cant buy a ticket from the counter and he doesn’t have money to buy it. All the reasons is because people scared him . he uses his unusual face to threaten the directors of the opera to give him the Box5 and pay him 20,000 francs a month, or he will make accidents in the opera. ‘What a greedy, impudent and tyrannical phantom!’. Wait, wait! If you were Erik what you should do in this situation. You were ugly and no friends. People scream when they see you. What’s your feeing? For a long time , Erik was discriminated, neglected and shamed for his looking. All the unfair treatment made him to be eccentric.  Erik is physical challenge, like deaf, blind or cripple. It is already unfair to him. People like him is sensitive when you talk about them. He needs more love than normal humans. But what the people treat him. Erik becomes ‘ the phantom of the opera’ is a family and society’s catastrophe. It reflects at the time people was short of sympathy, and weren’t concern others.  

the pencil

      The  PencilTime: after recessPlace: classroomPerson: Zahid ( who lost his pencil)       Dollah( who stolen the pencil)       Mr. Jamal( the teacher)       Mr.Berahim( the principal) Event: two boys fight for an unusual pencil   In my opinion, I think zahid is the main character in this story. Others are clue around him. It’s not a complex short story, but it could happen to any two boys or even girls. Zahid ,who comes from a destitute family and his parents are separated, lives with his old and poor grandma. One day zahid spent $50, that he got it by his work ,on an unusual long pencil. Because in the class Mr Jamah paid less attention to him and he thought that special pencil can make more attraction from others. He is very happy to lend his pencil to his friends, the more people borrow the much he feel happier. One day he finds that his pencil lost and he sees Dollah owns a pencil just same like his. After asking Dollah how and how much he got the pencil, he is very sure that pencil which in Dollah’s hand is his. He tries to get back, but failed. When Mr. Jamah knows from class moniter that two boys fight in class, he calls them and punishes Zahid with three strokes of the rattan. Because zahid cant answer the what he carved on the pencil, but dollah did the answer correctly. Some days later zahid got three days fever , then he returned to school. But from that time he totally changes. Like mr. jamah said ‘zahid, you’ve turned into a little monster.’ He bullied his junior that would make he laugh when they let out a cry or a scream. He broken rules in the class, and class activities couldn’t return to normal as long as zahid is there. At last tragedy got happens that zahid cut dollah’s fingers with his knife which he bought form the shop in order to keep away dollah from him. Zahid was taken into the principal’s office and mr,berahim dealt with the poor boy. Mr. berahim backs the innocent to zahid and gives him two new pencils that are same as his old one. Like I said before the story is common in any school. However as a teacher we can get a good educational psychology lesson.  Mr. jamah is a teacher at the beginning who was dull and ruled to students. He liked to punish student with the terrible rattan that made students scared to say the truth when they did something wrong, just like dollah who didn’t tell the truth. He weren’t patience to his students and decided arbitatrally. Because his wrong judgment zahid became rebel and overweening. All his disrespectful manners just want to show his unsatisfied to mr.jamah. compared with mr.jamah, mr.berahim is very experience in the educational psychology field. He didn’t judge anything immediately, but thinking of all the things that zahid did. He asks zahid hand over the knife in a very smart way and asks a series questions to analysis zahid’s attitudes to his behaviors. That’s a good sample of educational psychology. He is just creditably as a principal in the school.  From the story I can know that as a teacher you shouldn’t judge your students as a layer, but you need be kindness and don’t frequently use punishment to your chicken. Teacher also are concerned student’s family situation. You should make sure do they get enough love either physical and mental side. Like zahid, because his grandma spoiled him that he got many bad habits in his school period.   As you know to be a good teacher isn’t that kind of easy, you are building country’s future….

what is thinking?

 hello everyone! we have had our first and also second class about ‘critical thinking skills’. two lecturers in our classes, haha…

now i want to give some definitions of ‘thinking’ which i got from books.

as long as we are steering our mind, we thinking. it is said that thinking isnt always conscious. the most dramatic example is the fact that insight often come to us when we are no longer working a problem but have turned away from it to another activities.

the definitions of thinkng:

1> thinking is any mental activiy that helps formulate or solve a prpblem, make a decision, or fulfill a desire to understand. it is searching for answers, a reaching for meaning. numerous mental activities are include in the thnking process. observation, remembering, wondering,imaging,inquiring,intepreting,evaluating and judging often work in combination, as when we solve a problem or make a descion.

some issues about thinking:

 thinking is entirely’verbal’—words. we arrange words in our mind or silently whisper to ourselves when we think.

contemporary authorities agree that the form of thought takes in our mind is usually, but not necessarily so thinking as we may express an idea in mathematical symbols or pictures, in addtion to words, we may also ‘ conceive’ of it in that way.

why thinking skills/ the importance of thinking

a>to be a sucessful problem solver, you will need both factual knowledge and proficiency in thinking.

b>to appreciate the importance of thinking proficiency, consider the various of situation in  which you are or will be called up to slove the problems, analyze issues, and make decisions.

c>skill in problem solving, issues analysis, and decision making is increasingly expected of employees.

d>individual who possess problem-sloving and decision-making skills are more flexible than others and are therfore less likely to become vicitims of downsizing and more likely to find satisfactory employment if they are laid off.

e> meeting the challenge and seizing the opportunities presented by the global economy require skills in creative and critical thinking. employee who possess that skill will enjoy a significant advantage over those who do not.

Brain and Mind at work:

the mind has two distinct phases:

1> the producation phase: associate creative thinking

2> judgement phase: critical thinking

that’s all i have read, may it can help you to be better understanding this course…

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